Tuesday 4 October 2011

Hair Transplant: FAQs

What is Hair Transplant?

Word "Transplant" can be seen as  made of two  words, Transfer and Implant. So, hair transplant is simply transfer of living hair. These hair can be transplanted in any hairless area such as balding scalp or area of stable scar, eyebrow, moustache etc. Currently, this is the only technique that can give natural, permanent, growing hair in bald area.

Who Needs It?

Hair transplantation is used predominantly to treat the hereditary balding condition known as androgenetic alopecia ( Male pattern baldness). Patients with male pattern hair loss tend to loose hair from the front and top of their head. Since baldness is often ridiculed in society, it can undermine one's confidence and performance, especially if it comes at a young age.
Women with diffuse alopecia, selected patients with burn alopecia, eyebrow and facial hair loss patients are other candidates who can benefit from the procedure.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Although there are many causes of hair loss, the commonest cause is male pattern baldness. this is due to a combination of two factors. First, the hormonal byproduct Di Hydro Testosterone (DHT) and second your hair follicle's susceptibility to DHT, which is genetically determined. Both the factors should be present to cause hair loss.

How is Hair Transplant done?

Patients having baldness still have good density of permanent hair on the sides and back of the head. These good quality hair that naturally last a lifetime, are used to fill up the bald region. The hair are taken out from the scalp one by one (as single units called FUE)  and are implanted individually in the bald area. This highly sophisticated procedure replicates the natural hair growing pattern.

Is There Pain?

Hardly if any at all. I customise local anesthesia solution to gently numbs the area of procedure. You will not feel anything at all. even in post operative phase when anaesthesia effect wears off, only mild painkillers may be required. Some people do not require any painkiller after FUE method.

How Long Will It Take?

Hair transplant is a one day  procedure in office setting. No admission is required. An average surgery of 1500-2000 grafts takes 5-6 hours. Megasessions of 3000 or more grafts may take 8-10 hours. You can go home the same day after procedure.

Are Results Permanent?

Yes. Since transplanted hair come from permanent hair zone (the back and side of scalp) that is unaffected by DHT, these hair do not fall after implantation. They will have same texture, colour, growth and quality as your back hair and the results will last you a lifetime.

Why Shouldn't I go for Artificial Hair?

Entirely too many reasons. The biggest reason that my patients tell me is that they feel artificial. There is always that fear of losing face in public if the hair piece comes off. Then, of course, there is price for maintenance, price for replacement and price for touch ups. After some time the cost of maintaining a good hair piece crosses that of transplant and you still have nothing to show. Last but not the least is health reasons. The glue can cause allergy, the clips can cause headache,even wounds if they are too tight, weaving may pull and damage your existing hair

How Much Does it Cost?

The initial cost of a good hair transplant may be high but it does not require any maintenance. It is a kind of investment that will keep you giving good returns for times to come. An average a transplant session costs 5-7,000 US $ for FUT and 15-20,000 US $ for FUE hair transplants, but it is much cheaper in India.